Cooling Towers

Cooling Towers_350x263.jpgWhen cooling towers go down or are not operating at peak efficiency, it can lead to higher operating costs, increased downtime or delays with processes, and decreased occupant comfort. Our skilled technicians and installers have the expertise to service, repair, or replace these critical pieces of equipment. From regular maintenance to extensive overhauls, we can do it all.

Complete Cooling Tower Expertise

Our comprehensive cooling tower services include:

  • Free cooling tower evaluations
  • Alignment
  • Coating services, including:
    • Hot water basin coating
    • Cold water sump coating
    • Seam leak repairs
  • Fan blade replacements and sound reduction
  • Drift eliminators
  • Fill replacements
  • Rebuilds for gearboxes
  • Mechanical floats and electronic water level devices
  • Motor replacements/upgrades
  • Non-destructive testing
    • Vibration analysis
    • Gear oil analysis
  • Maintenance, repair, and replacement for: 
    • Nozzles
    • Sheaves and belts
    • Intake air louvers 
  • Cooling tower rebuilds
  • Variable frequency drive (VFD) installations 
  • Water distribution systems repairs

Cooling Tower Protection Systems 

By applying a liquid membrane coating to the tower, sump area, and seams, we can help prevent corrosion and extend the lifecycle of your equipment. Our coatings help reduce the time needed to clean the sump, improve operating efficiency, and cut costs by requiring fewer water chemicals.

Performed by a team of trained professionals, our cooling tower coating process includes three steps: 

  1. Clean and remove corrosion from all surfaces
  2. Apply liquid coating to sump and sidewalls
  3. Allow coating to adhere to cooling tower surface, metal, fiberglass, stainless steel, concrete and wood surfaces, creating a leak-proof liner

For more information on our cooling tower services and coatings, contact our team today.